Sitemap - 2022 - Geeky Stoics

Stay on target

If you have to ask, you aren't cool enough to pull it off

Parents read to their kids to shut them up

It's not what you believe, it's how hard you believe it

Look beyond luck for your victories

Don't let this be a distraction

Wear your truth as armor

Do hard things voluntarily

Subscriber giveaway and Miami visit

You're meant to live for more

The ability to speak does not make you intelligent

Andor, Sam Harris & the “Trumpian World”

Fighting what you hate isn't enough

Star Wars and the "summer of love"

Are your politics rooted in hope or fear?

Don't look back and wonder

It's HOW you say it that matters

Do your duty, cause someone has to

House of the Dragon's lesson on dealing with critics

This is the Way Recommends...

Don't be a control freak, please

NOPE and tuning out the noise

A wizard is never late

This Is The Way recommends

Be good at something, anything!

The line through the human heart

Don't turn your back on yourself

Running from our shadow

What Obi-Wan Kenobi should have explained about Force Ghosts

I don't give a damn 'bout my reputation

Anger and the bee sting

Don't vent. Think. Plan. And Win.

What you do next matters most

Adventure? Excitement? Discipline!

Stop and smell the roses (or BBQ)

Black Robes & Unlimited Power

Building Death Stars

Is being special > being happy?

You need to be prepared

"Turning Red" & peace with the beast

Villains will make a joke of your values

If a dog bites you, don't bite it back

Your problem needs fresh perspective

From Jar to Jar: Change & courage